
What the Church Can Learn From Others' Stories

Featuring Rex Miller, principal at mindSHIFT

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How can the church tell its epic story in a way that's relevant in today's culture?

The church's job is to tell the greatest story ever told and to invite people to enter into this story. But how do we engage people in a world that is highly attuned to and influenced by the latest, greatest fads?

In this video, futurist Rex Miller offers a multitude of examples and ideas to challenge churches to think more deeply about the way they're communicating the epic story of the Bible. He weaves in a variety of examples from today's most popular businesses--ones that resonate with people's needs and desires.

There is much to be learned by exploring how others tell their stories. Use this video with your church leadership team as a jumpstart to a discussion on the story you're church is telling, and whether it's the one you intend to be telling.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn about the different types of stories your church is telling

  • Find out how to utilize story to engage the hearts of people

  • Learn how stories change our worldview